Mellow Mummy: Pregnancy Yoga Videos : Taking life as it comes...

Wednesday 1 February 2012

Pregnancy Yoga Videos

I am frightfully aware that as a full-time working mum with an unhealthy obsession for blogging, I am not doing anywhere near enough exercise during my pregnancy this time. I'm not sure a quick walk for a sandwich at lunch time or a half hour swimming lesson with Lara each week counts, does it? So when do I find the time to exercise huh? Well, with these handy yoga videos on youtube I can do a little whenever I find a spare moment at home with no need to worry about signing up for a class or having to drive to a local gym or town hall in my evenings. Genius.

These are a set of 3 pregnancy yoga videos from Philips Avent taught in a class style by Uma Dinsmore-Tuli. There is a warm up, a main routine and a relaxation routine and they can be done together or watched individually.

The lighting quality is a bit fuzzy but I think they are just as fab as any yoga video or DVD I've owned. The thing I like best about them is that for each of the routines you can follow one of three different women who are in different pregnancy trimesters to make sure that the exercises are appropriate for your own stage of pregnancy.

I hope you find these videos useful. The warm up routine is below but you can access the main routine and the relaxation routine on youtube. Enjoy!

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