Mellow Mummy: Can Group Buying & Voucher Codes Get Me Through Maternity Leave? Err... : Taking life as it comes...

Friday 9 March 2012

Can Group Buying & Voucher Codes Get Me Through Maternity Leave? Err...

Readers of my blog since December will know that, in attempt to reduce my outgoings in preparation for maternity leave, I've been dabbling in the whole group-buying experience. It has worked for me on one or two occasions but the problem I find is that very rarely when I actually need or want to buy something, is that something available on a group-buying site. It isn't like a normal online shopping experience... you can't just search for the thing you want to buy and know that there is someone somewhere who wants to sell it to you. You can only buy the things currently on offer and more often than not, the offers are totally irrelevant to me.

However, being someone who naturally refuses to buy anything at full price unless she ABSOLUTELY has to, I'm exercising my right to search for voucher codes. Once again I think you have to pick and choose when it comes to online vouchers and discount codes. In recent weeks I've found really useful vouchers for fabric softener and nappies (both things I actively needed to buy) but then received another one for brie (hmmm, not that useful when pregnant).

My ultimate challenge when it comes to finding a bargain during 2012 is to source discounts on all of the elements of my epic family road trip in July. Finding discount codes for hotels in the UK is relatively easy, in fact, I have a couple of weekend trips already planned with a Travelodge Discount Code that means we can stay near friends for less than £20. However, finding discount codes for hotels on the continent is proving slightly harder.

So, if you know of any places that offer voucher codes for european hotels, car hire or ferry crossings that are valid for bookings in July then PLEASE let me know! Thank you.
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