Mellow Mummy: What to pack in a hospital bag? : Taking life as it comes...

Thursday 8 March 2012

What to pack in a hospital bag?

According to my ipod app, I should have my birth plan written and my bags packed just about now... just in case of early onset labour. I haven't but now is as good a time as any to start thinking about what I need.

My memories of my time in hospital (including a day and a half after the birth) is all a bit of a blur so its hard for me to remember what I found useful and what I didn't bother using. I can't even remember whether there was anything I really felt I was lacking and then wished I had taken with me. Mr. B's memory is just as blurry.

I have read all of the standard lists from all of the mummy websites that include the following:-

For labour
  • Snacks and drinks

  • labour aids such as a TENS machine, music, massage oil or a birth ball

  • fully-charged camera

  • hair-ties

  • birthing shirts or loose-fitting t-shirts

For baby
  • nappies

  • cotton wool

  • two or three vests and body suits

  • a blanket

  • scratch mitts and hat (although I dispensed with both on my midwives' advice)

For the ward
  • breastfeeding nighties and bras

  • breast pads

  • disposable briefs

  • hairbrush

  • dressing gown and slippers

  • shampoo and facewash

  • toothpaste and toothbrush

  • A change of outfit for going home

  • Cash (or credit card these days) for phoning home if mobile's aren't permitted

Now, here's the thing. I need your input for things that really don't matter AND for those little pieces of genius that you just couldn't have survived without. Here's a few ideas of things people told me last time (and I now totally agree with, even if I ignored them the first time around)...

  • Energy drinks for you and your birth partner during labour

  • A sponge scourer for cleaning the bath - shared hospital baths can have some hidden surprises (cobwbebs in my case)!

  • A small cup for pouring water over an episiotomy wound when going to the toilet to reduce the sting of the urine

  • Vaseline to put on baby's bottom to prevent maconium sticking to their skin

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