Mellow Mummy: Pregnancy Blog :: Week 33 : Taking life as it comes...

Saturday 10 March 2012

Pregnancy Blog :: Week 33

This week I went to my first NCT lesson of this pregnancy. I had been in two minds about whether to fork out the money for the NCT refresher course but I decided to do it for two reasons.

  • Last time I made three new friends for life and their company in the first few months was invaluable - I now live in a different town and could really do with the female company

  • My first childbirth experience ended in a drug-induced haze so the whole experience is a bit blurry so I think I could do with a refresher.

Our first lesson was a bit more like a therapy session than a lesson. We all shared our birth stories and it was pretty emotional. Not a single woman in the room had experienced an uncomplicated birth (I don't think NCT prepared me last time for quite how likely it was that I 'would' experience an intervention birth). It was good to get some of my worries off my chest and I also managed to get hold of a hypnobirthing CD so I shall give that a try.

In other news, I went into London on a day off work and had some pictures taken for a new venture of mine. I think they may well be the only photos of a pregnant me this time around so I am looking forward to seeing them. I'm glad I don't have to do a commute in and out of Central London these days - wouldn't be much fun with a bump.

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