Mellow Mummy: Duracell Power Me - Achieve Your Goals : Taking life as it comes...

Tuesday 6 August 2013

Duracell Power Me - Achieve Your Goals

As you may know, I've had this growing interest in cake decorating since becoming a mum. If you take a look at my most popular pinterest board below, you can see that I've set my sights quite high when it comes to decorating the girl's birthday cakes. This week Duracell are helping to power me to reach one of my life goals by sending me on a cake decorating course so that maybe I can reach these same dizzy heights of cake awesomeness!

We all have a list of goals. Some more adventurous than others. Duracell have found that, as a nation, only 4% of us claim to have achieved our list of life goals and that stresses such as money, time and motivation all contribute to us failing to reach our goals. Duracell are on a mission to try and power more people into aiming for, and meeting those goals.

Endurance athlete, James Cracknell is an ambassador for the Duracell campaign as you can see in the video below.

James is a two times Olympic gold medalist, rower, endurance athlete and adventurer - you can say hi to James and the Duracell community on the Duracell UK Facebook page where fans are encouraged to share their goals, get support from the Duracell community and for the chance to win a Power Boost from Duracell. so if you need a boost to push you to try and achieve one of your life goals, or something from your own 'bucket list' then James has the following tips.

1. Live in the present, stay positive and enjoy the journey not just the motivation.
2. Reward yourself in training, there's no point in living like a monk, you won't stay motivated to commit to the training.
3. Do a challenge or set yourself a goal with other people, it's easier to keep motivated if others are going through the same ups and downs.  Especially as you're never all going to be down at the same time!
4. Choosing a goal that requires you to learn a new skill makes it easier as you can see progression all the time.
5. Have a really strong rationale/reason for choosing that particular goal, that way you're more likely to stick to it.

Find out in a couple of weeks how I get on with my cake-creation challenge!

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