Mellow Mummy: Children's Book Review - Learn with Neddy Teddy and his Phonics Friends : Taking life as it comes...

Wednesday 19 September 2012

Children's Book Review - Learn with Neddy Teddy and his Phonics Friends

Learn with Neddy Teddy and his Phonics Friends is written by Gill Davis and illustrated by Barry Green. This is Lara's first official delve into the world of phonics and I was really pleased with how quickly she grasped the concept.

Learn with Neddy Teddy and his Phonics Friends is effectively a board book with a very basic story running through it. On each page there is a wheel that your child can turn to display different objects which feature the letter or letter-combination for that page.

The book starts with simple short vowel sounds such as "a" or "i" and progresses through to much tricker combinations from which I think Lara is a long way at just 3 years old.

So starting at the beginning, Lara quickly grasped the spinning wheel concept and I was amazed that after just one use of the book she understood that the pictures that the wheel displays must always contain the sound that she is working on. Sometimes an object is thrown in there to test them... something that looks like a boat on the page featuring "i" must therefore be "ship" and not "boat".

Each item on the wheel is accompanies by the text of the word and Lara is already feeling brave enough to try reading the words to understand a picture she doesn't recognise. Mr. B. nearly fell off his chair when Lara managed to identify a "blob" from its picture but quickly realised that she had combined the letters she could read with the fact that we were on the "o" page.

This book is a perfect book to help your child through their phonics journey and it can really help to push their learning while still being fun.

Learn with Neddy Teddy and his Phonics Friends is published by Top That Publishing and costs around £5.99.

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