Mellow Mummy: Do-It-Yourself Personalised Christmas Plate : Taking life as it comes...

Saturday 23 November 2013

Do-It-Yourself Personalised Christmas Plate

I saw this idea on Facebook the other day and knew I had to give it a try.  I already owned a set of Porcelain Pens from earlier in the year (we use them to let the girls decorate our coffee cups for work) so all I had to do was source a plain white dinner plate (£2 from Cargo today) and away I went.

I drew around a pastry cutter to get the size of the mince pie right and I drew around the base of a sherry glass to get the size of the drink circle right. I free-styled the carrot because I was feeling confident by then.

The beauty of porcelain markers is that you can wipe them off easily if you make a mistake so you can practice the writing.

Our porcelain markers need to be baked to make them permanent so the plate us currently in the oven!

Lara can't wait to use the plate on Christmas Eve.

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