Mellow Mummy: Mothercare Christmas Pyjamas and ELC Toybox Stocking Fillers : Taking life as it comes...

Friday 22 November 2013

Mothercare Christmas Pyjamas and ELC Toybox Stocking Fillers

Lara is getting really excited about Christmas already and her excitement is catching - even though Holly, at 18 months old, doesn't really understand what is just around the corner, she has been enjoying some of our festive crafts and cookery over the past couple of weeks.  The girls were sent these AWESOME Christmas pyjamas from Mothercare to make their anticipation that little more bearable.

Mothercare's new range of Christmas Pyjamas are all gorgeous - from penguins to robins, from reindeer to snowploughs, there are festive nightwear options for children from newborn right up to 10 years old.  These Skinny Christmas Reindeer Pyjamas (from £10) catch my eye in the window of my local Mothercare every time I walk past and they were an INSTANT hit with my girls who then started pestering me to ask when Father Christmas would be coming round!

Mothercare are going to be running a Christmas advent calendar on their Facebook page this year with prizes of upto £100 in Mothercare vouchers for each sleep before Christmas.  From this coming Monday they are going to be looking for sleepy babies and children to feature on the doors of their calendar where each child featured will win  £30 voucher and the one with the most likes will win £100.  You can enter by uploading a photo onto their Facebook page by the 27th November.

If you are looking for some stocking fillers or small present ideas for toddlers from 12 months upwards then you might like the new Early Learning Centre Toybox range.  This soldier is my favourite from the range of new brightly coloured plastic toys inspired by classic children's toys of the past.

The Toybox range of toys are designed to be a set of friends who come out to play from their toybox at night - there are animals such as cats and rabbit as well as Bobby the robot and Dotty Dolly.  The individual characters start at £4.  I think they make nice simple toys with lasting appeal - Holly particularly likes the fact that when she moves the arms, legs and head, they make a very rewarding clicking noise!

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