Mellow Mummy: GettingPersonal Personalised Children's Book Review : Taking life as it comes...

Sunday 10 November 2013

GettingPersonal Personalised Children's Book Review

Princess Lara and the Mysterious Noise is a book that was made specifically for Lara by GettingPersonal.  Lara always loves a book that she knows features her own name; Lara doesn't often appear in children's story books so when it does, she usually knows that it is there especially for her.

The Princess & The Mysterious Noise is one of a vast range of personalised books from Their unbranded personalised story books range from £9.99 to about £12.99 but there are also lots of well known characters in their range which are a little more expensive.  At under £13, I think Lara's personalised story book presents good value as a Christmas Gift that will last a long time.

The tale of Princess Lara is a rhyming story of a Princess mouse and her cuddly toys who go in search of the source of a mysterious noise in the castle.  Almost every page of the book features your chosen name at least once either in the text of the story or in the imagery on the opposite page. 

This personalised story book doesn't feature any images of your child as some do but I don't think it suffers for that - photos or cartoons of your children can date easily but their name is forever which is why I think this book is a gift that has lasting power.

I would recommend The Princess and the Mysterious Noise personalised story for children from about age 3-8.  I shan't spoil the secret and share with you what that mysterious noise turns out to be!
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