Mellow Mummy: Cadbury Christmas : Taking life as it comes...

Wednesday 4 December 2013

Cadbury Christmas

You've got to love a good Christmas chocolate treat, whether you're on Santa's nice list or his naughty list.  This year Cadburys have a fabulous range for Christmas Chocolate treats.  Lara (who is currently wavering between the two lists) loves these enormous chunky Christmas Wishes shaped as stars - a percentage of the sale price of each is donated to the Make a Wish foundation.

Mellow Mummy and Daddy have been enjoying a movie and sharing a bar of this Cadbury Dairy Milk Winter Wonderland chocolate which has pieces shaped like Christmas trees.  Very cool.

Holly tried out these festive Freddos  - I wasn't convinced that she was going to like them because they are quite generously laden with popping candy but she didn't seem fazed by the tingling sensation on her tongue.

There are products in the Cadbury Christmas range that would make great stocking fillers, tree decorations or fun festive treats.
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