Mellow Mummy: PNP - Portable North Pole Personalised Santa Video Message Review : Taking life as it comes...

Sunday 1 December 2013

PNP - Portable North Pole Personalised Santa Video Message Review

Yesterday, Lara received a very special message from Father Christmas - a video message. This is what her face looked like as she watched it.

Lara's personalised video message from Santa was sent via PNP - Portable North Pole and it is very magical indeed. Father Christmas addressed her directly and she nodded and chatted to him throughout the video, forgetting that it was a pre-recorded message.  Santa told her that he couldn't yet say if she was on his good list or his bad list and that she might want to try a bit harder in the coming weeks such as eating up everything on her plate at mealtimes!  She seemed happy enough with this deal given that he gave her a glimpse of a toy that is top of her Christmas list.

If you have never seen a PNP Santa video message before, you HAVE to!  You can create a personalised message for your child for FREE and see how it works - if your child still believes then trust me, you will be blown away.  For £2.99 you can make your video message totally personalised with lots of choices of which parts of video to use and what you want him to mention as well as the ability to upload lots of photos for Father Christmas to put into his special book and movie about your child.  From your PNP online account you also have the ability to go back and tweak the video as you see fit.  For this price I also got a free video message to show Lara on Christmas Eve as Father Christmas is doing his rounds... Lara is going to LOVE it.

On the PNP website you can buy personalised letters from Santa as well as themed accessories but it is the video message which really knocks you out - this is a way to make a very magical Christmas for your child. In your tailor-made PNP Portable North Pole message Father Christmas will say your child's name, choose their magic book from a vast bookshelf filled with books for each of their close friends and make several contextual references to events from the last twelve months that add to the believability of the whole affair.  I must say that the PNP Santa is VERY realistic and his elves made Lara smile and giggle.

It was truely magical watching Lara see her message from Santa.  For £2.99 you can arrange for a phone call from Santa - I'm planning on doing this about half way between now and Christmas so that he can remind Lara that she needs to get herself onto that good list!

I have a discount code for Mellow Mummy readers to get a 20% discount of any of the PNP digital products on (which I take to mean videos and calls) - quote voucher code BLG20BKP until the 1st of January to claim your discount and Make Christmas Magic.
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