Mellow Mummy: Children's Book Review :: Tickety Toc Bubble Time : Taking life as it comes...

Tuesday 3 December 2013

Children's Book Review :: Tickety Toc Bubble Time

For any fans of the TV show, Tickety Toc, this square hardcover book would make a lovely stocking filler at less than £5.

In Tickety Toc Bubble Time, Tommy and Tallulah are blowing bubbles that keep getting popped by their friends.  When they run out, they find a big tub of bubble mixture and end up creating a GIANT unpoppable bubble that gets out of control.

Both of my girls (1 and 4) thought it was hilarious that the bubble started engulfing all of the characters.  The story works well even if you don't recognise the TV characters from Tickety Toc.

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